Yard Smarts: Native Plants, Healthy Waters
Yard Smarts: Native Plants, Healthy Waters (formerly called LakeScapes) is a one-on-one educational program that provides a FREE personal yard consultation to any homeowner, business owner, organization, school, or municipality within Chautauqua County.
We give guidance on how to dry up wet areas in your yard, build filtering buffers, and/or create native habitats that provide food and places for our local bees, birds, and other wildlife to live. We also discuss landscaping and the importance of native plants, shrinking your lawn, and naturalizing your yard. Watershed-friendly living is easy! By making just a few small changes in the way you maintain your property, you can help filter and clean the water running through your yard and help keep our watersheds, waterways, and drinking water supplies safe and healthy.
Our recommendations not only beautify your yard but also protect water quality, enhance your way of life, and help the wildlife that live and thrive within it! These free consultations and technical assistance also include native plant recommendations and landscape designs as well.
Book Your Consultation
For more information or to schedule a visit, contact our conservationist, Carol Markham, by calling 716.664.2166 x1005, emailing carol@chautauquawatershed.org, or using the form above.