Board Director Openings

Do you have a passion for conservation and are looking to get more involved? We'd love to chat with you about possibly joining our awesome volunteer board of directors!
If you don’t already know, we are a local not-for-profit land trust working to conserve and restore natural areas for habitat and wildlife protection, water quality, and climate resiliency in and around Chautauqua County.
As one of our board members, you will help guide and set our organization’s priorities, policies, and strategic goals and serve as an advocate to promote our mission, programs, and activities to the community. Our board members also serve on at least one of our advisory committees, letting you get more “hands on” in an area that speaks to your particular interests or expertise.
If you’re interested in this opportunity to have a meaningful impact on protecting our natural resources, please reach out to us at info@chautauquawatershed.org. We are welcoming of all backgrounds, experiences, and skill sets and would love to hear from you!