Make a Donation
Our conservation work is only possible with the support of donors like you. Charitable gifts to Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy support and protect healthy lands and healthy waterways in the Chautauqua region for humans and wildlife alike, and all gifts make a difference! Donate today, and make an investment in our community and toward the quality of life for future generations!
Ways To Donate:
Online: complete the form below
Phone: call us at 716-664-2166 to donate by phone with a credit or debit card
Mail: write out a check to Chautauqua Watershed Conservancy and mail it to PO Box 45, Lakewood, NY, 14750
Venmo: @ChautauquaWatershedConservancy (Note: you will see the name of our business manager, Caitlin Gustafson, listed with the account. The first time you use Venmo to make a donation to us, it may ask for the last four digits of a phone number to confirm the account - please use 6718.)